You can text these smart and fancy love quotes to your boyfriend but remember, love is not all about sending or receiving cute love quotes from him, it’s true that a relationship is about given & takes. If you are not willing to do both, then you are not ready for a relationship. Today's relationships might last longer if people continued doing the things it took to get the person in the first place. Because a relationship is not based on the length of time you have spent together, it’s based on the foundation you both have built together. So in order to build a great relationship, use trust as bricks and patience as cement because sometimes, love just isn't enough. Fancy Love Quotes for Boyfriend! Love quote for him You know your man really loves you if you call him in the kitchen while you are doing dishes and you ask him to get wedgies out because your hands are wet. If you really love someone no matter what the situation is you must always be there to s...
Here you find a great variety of cute love quotes. You can send these short, long, funny and sweet love quotations about love to her or to your boyfriend and loved ones.