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Showing posts from January, 2014

Angry Quotes about Fake Love

The following angry quotes about love express the feelings of fake bond in a relationship. Now you can easily show your frustration to your ex by posting these sayings directly on your Facebook status. Angry love quotes for him/her! Angry love quotes A fake love is called puppy love. Puppy loves only when it feels its mother, the best thing you should do is to also treat them like you don’t know him or her. Those are also great players they have a lot to attend to so they even forget that you are there. Just chill and make yourself expensive too. Don't ever fall for their favorite word "Baby I can't live without you" because once is over, She's still going to live more years and still going to tell the next guy the same! I try to be nice to people even when they don't deserve it, but you’re not a person. You walk around me like you’re so bad but only if you could open your eyes and see that nobody like you. The only reason why you think ...

Sweet I Love You Quotes for Her

Now you can pick sweetest I love you so much quotes for her, don’t miss a chance o impress your girlfriend with these magical love lines. Someone who really loves you won't miss an occasion to be with you, by your side to support and love you unconditionally, will call you to check out on, will make plans with you, will take care of you without even your knowledge, will try his best to make your life easier, to make you happy and satisfied, will be your crying shoulder, will pay attention to every word you say, will gaze at you with a smile because you mean the world to him. He will tell you're pretty every day and he'll remind how precious you are to him and that his world doesn't mean anything without your existence , will make sure that you have everything you need , will buy you flowers not only on your birthday but whenever you're feeling down and less confident , will stand you are bad tempered and your unstable mood and he'll tell his mother all abou...