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Cute Love Quotes for Your Boyfriend For Facebook

Hi, girls are you looking for some cute love quotes for your boyfriend to say on the Facebook or Whatsapp status? Love is not a light switch it can’t be turned off and on. With loyalty as the head and the center of your relationship, you will never fall out of love because loyalty in love is everlasting it never ends. When you flick a light switch too often or too fast eventually the light bulb blows. You can weaken the love you have for someone when you allow your light to become dim. Keep your candle lit and your love will remain on fire.

Cute love quotes

Cute love quotes for your boyfriend!

  1. You can’t fall out of love with someone until you meet someone you love more.
  2. Every girl wants that guy who will make her smile but not makes her cry! Every girl wants to look up to that guy who respects every decision she makes without judging her! Every girl wants that guy won't flirt with other girls every girl want to look up to that guy who will never stop loving her in good and bad times.
  3. You don't need mass in your life to become happy, just you need few close one, who support, love, care and encourage you in spite of any situation.
  4. A lady should not provide for a grown man. If a guy cannot provide for you then tell him to come back when he can.
  5. When I saw you I wanted to have you, now that I have you I never want to lose you.
  6. Appreciate and love what you have NOW and hold onto it. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Some people have the tendency to want what they once had and foolish enough to let go. Those people will never move forward and continue to long for the past instead of focusing on their present and their future.
  7. Sometimes the people that you want to be in your life are actually the ones that shouldn't.
  8. Wherever the knot of love exists, it’s a blessing in disguise.
  9. You taught me to look past what's in front of me and have the courage and faith to keep going when people around me settled. For this, I’ll always love you.
  10. It is not when I'm asleep but every morning when I awake by your side that it feels like I'm dreaming.
  11. We got something special. You are my everything and I am not ashamed to show it. We need more crazy love. Hopefully, it'll override some of this bitterness and hatred.

Love quotes for your bf

I love my boyfriend!

  • Not everyone has the key to your heart, some people you just mistakenly allowed in without checking the peephole.
  • No words can define the beauty I see in you but all I need to say is that you are a cloud nine on the earth.
  • Check the authenticity of the love you allow in your circle because haters have the best knockoffs.
  • The date you stop dating is the date to remember when started taking her for granted.
  • What most of us don't realize when we're alive is, love has always meant to be unconditional.
  • We shouldn't look for love, it should find us. This is going to be an interesting love story.
  • I could be late in accepting things, I could commit mistakes too, I could be the real culprit, I could be dust out of rust, but I'm sure about one thing, I'll never break your trust.
  • Love is when you know someone's imperfections and think they are all the more beautiful because of them.
  • Like true love when it takes its time Together forever, in this heart of mine you and I are even more beautiful than the similarities shared between two great minds.
  • True love cannot be denied and with time, you learn to move forward in life, no matter how terrible your grief is.
  • Sometimes we just have to fall back from the people we care about the most and allow them to figure out things on their own.
  • If I didn't look out for me and love me first, how would I be able to do the same for you?
  • If you never looked forward to Valentine’s Day it's either you were never treated special or you are always single on that day!
  • You're the coffee to my soul, the caffeine my body's feeding. Once you wake me I'm alive and still dreaming.
  • Let’s fall in love just as naturally and beautifully as an Autumn Leaf falls to the ground.
  • Throughout my journey to find peace of mind, I keep getting interrupted by thoughts of you.

Those who are guarded and make any and all attempts to protect their heart will still end up hurt or alone. My advice: Open up, Love with no limits, trust those who trust you but most importantly, trust and follow your heart without any hesitation. Just make sure your boyfriend, not only wants your love on the Facebook but deserves it in real life.


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