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15 Cute Love Paragraphs for Your Girlfriend

Simply copy and paste these sweet loves paragraphs for your girlfriend on her Facebook timeline, text her or simply paste your favorite paragraph on her birthday card. Half the joy of giving is the prospect that the gift is received well, though the outpouring of love cannot depend on that prospect. A giver's love is made complete when the gift is received with gladness, solidifying the gift's original purpose. Such is love's triumph. If the gift is ignored, such is love's tragedy, though the giver's love remains legitimate. If not received, the gift is only a one-sided gesture of love, leaving the purpose of the gift unfulfilled: leaving the bond of love undone, and thus, love itself incomplete or 'tragic'. How can a man be loved completely unless he let himself be loved? How can a man's salvation be established except he let himself be saved? Love is always extended with the freedom of choice: to be received or not to be received. It's that risk and surrender of control that makes love and relationship possible.

Those kind of girls who choose to fall in love with dangerous criminals only because they are looking for protection instead of love giving those guys an advantage to abuse them physically and emotionally, abusing all the innocent people who those guys see walking along with them.
Love paragraph for her

Most Romantic Short Love Paragraphs for your Girlfriend

1- I have realized in life that people will not be honest with you, for the most part, if you ask them the deeper questions of life. You may have struggled with a lot of these things in your own heart. So, it's no big deal to talk about them. However, when you go to probe the depths of someone else's heart, they are likely to respond in panic denial because they have not yet come to a place in themselves to ponder such things.

2- There is nothing so special about valentine. Valentine can only be special if the day is not misconnected and misquoted as it has always been in the time past and the specialty can only be express with people that have mature minds on how the day should go. My every day is connected to my sweet girlfriend, my future wife and it’s my entire happy world.

3- A romantic date is now a chanting word in town amongst youths most especially boyfriends and girlfriends who have shallow or an iceberg knowledge of what date is all about in today's World. The word date always becomes date indeed if the significant attachment or purpose of the day is not misquoted or misinterpreted as it is in the present world.

4- The basic understanding I got, valentine is not only a day specially meant for lovers to love an immortal love and have or catch fun that can bring about an existence of life to a life unexpectedly.
5- Aside hanging out with families and friends on this day to demonstrate much more love to people who have the love in abundance, there should also be a developed thought of wise reasoning that there is always two side of life as a two-edged sword.

6- Very importantly to know, on this day, it is expedient we hasten our thinking faculty that if this life is showing the right phase to us, it is equally showing the left phase to others at the same time. And until there is a quick realization, we may not have the experience that life is unfair to some people to the very extent that they have no or less chance to feel loved, being cared for, have no sweets memories that can make a day memorable and have no hope for life.

7- So, it is always pitiable and pathetic to leave the neediest and the less privileged alone on this very love day without an extension of love hands in order to put a stick mark in their memories that love is not scared and cannot only be found on every February 14th but very surplus and within reach anytime it is needed.

8- You may have the thousands or millions of naira to spend on her to show her how caring and loving you are, I want you to also remember that there are people out there and here who could not afford to feed once or twice meal in a day.

9- I want you to know you are my absolute everything my world my soul mate my best friend and that everything we've been through the heartbreak the bad times (which are few) and the amazing times I wouldn't change anything 6 years ago I made the best decision of my life the only thing I regret is not findings you earlier so thank you for always being there.

10- You always give me support for a better life, you always here with me in sadness and happy, all my friends leave me alone but you still here for me! You teach me, listening to me, understand me, carrying me, you do everything for me. l will never forget you! I really thank you so much for you with my heart, you always make me good and better in my life. Thank you so much my beautiful morning flower and goodnight moon.

Long Love Paragraphs for Her

11. If I'm talking to you then I'm talking to you! I'm going to call you babe, baby, sweetheart, all of that because that's my goal, I'm going to flirt, make you smile and chill with you because that's my goal, I'm going to text you throughout the day, send you something sweet to show you that you have my interest, why? Because being your man is my goal.

12. There is no one in this world (from the past, present or future) that is just like you. You are one of a kind and uniquely individual. You were created out of the overflow of LOVE- whole and complete; lacking nothing. Regardless of what you've been through, what lies people have spoken over you (or you have spoken over yourself) - the truth remains the same. You are beloved. You are beautiful beyond comparison. You are not an accident or mistake; you are supposed to be here. You are a miracle and answered prayer. You are a gift. Every part of your body, mind, spirit, and heart- every part of you matters. Even your very breath is cherished. None of your life will be wasted. You can never lose your value. Your glorious purpose is irrevocable.

13. It's crazy because every time I fire up one of these squares I think of you and the memories just keep flowing through my head of all the time we spent and you and I both know it's not a good feeling of being away from each other. Let people laugh at you, gossip about you, tell lies on you, and everything else under the sun. Just know that whenever they get done, what God has for you, is for you; because what the highest has blessed, no man can curse.

14. I remember my flowers which were beautiful, I remember the restaurant meals we shared together, I remember the jeweler which I have in a box, I remember the cards which you designed yourself. All those things were once upon a time in a lifetime when you could do things for yourself. Today I have your love, our haters can’t take that away, I am so glad we found each other.

15. Life is about love, happiness, chance and opportunity; don't miss out on your love and happiness because of outside things or things that only you could change. Not taking that chance then, doesn't mean you'll get another opportunity. One day I'll have those sweet goodnight texts, calls and good mornings too. I just want that happiness one day. Let me make sure my girlfriend is satisfied, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Let me lift you spirits, be your shoulder to lean on, but don't just let you learn, let me pick you up.

What is the importance of true relationship?

Most of the ladies ignore guys who truly love them just because they don't meet their standard and choose to love the wrong ones severally; at the end, they think all guys are the same. Have some confusion in them. We celebrate new cars, new money, our favorite teams winning. Why not celebrate our women? Not just our significant others, but women in general. We complain about the man-hating ones and even go as far as perpetuating their beliefs that men aren't spoiled by telling them they're wrong but showing them they're right. Not all of us are misogynistic failures at chivalry and debonair gentlemanliness. These love paragraphs are not only for copy and paste but trying to understand the lessons and depth of its wording.

Who says relationships are for the faint hearted? It is a full-time job you can't screw up because every new idea and effort you add to it earn you favor with your boss, better pay, and a promotion. Respect to all who are relating. Some girls cannot differentiate between a boyfriend and a husband. They treat a boyfriend like a husband. They expect him to provide everything forgetting that he is not supposed to parent her.  Sincerely, if you need everything from a boyfriend then accept to be his slave and give him everything he needs without hesitation. Tit for Tat, but remember a boyfriend is not your husband or your parent.

Next: Love Quotes for Your Crush
