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Cute Quotes to Send to Your Crush

You may send a lot of songs and amazing stuff to your loved ones, but now it’s time to send some cute quotes to your crush through text or Facebook.
Cute quotes for your crush

Cute quotes to text to your crush!

  1. Don't waste your time with someone who won't prioritize what you have to offer.

  1. Stay motivated and you will keep moving forward, stay determined and nothing will stop you stay strong and nothing will break you, stay positive and positive things will happen.

  1. Don't burn bridges! After the world devours you, you may have to cross over just to get back to your safe haven and your bridge may be destroyed!

  1. If you "keep it real" people will die! Either the shock will kill them or their feelings will destroy them. Don't do it!

  1. I'm getting so tired of being the only person compelled to do things like be thoughtful, be respectful and be loyal to people who I know won't take me into consideration when it comes down to it...

  1. I do not think I am beautiful. I can't see myself outwardly because my focus is to let God build and tear down the things that perhaps have made me see myself differently than He desires.

  1. Our actions and our labor of love speak much louder than our labels!

  1. When you are truly over something/someone, even when you see them, your mind, heart, and emotions will not allow you continue to be enslaved to how they hurt you. If you can't see past the pain, you are not truly healed and you have not truly forgiven them. Sadly, most people are walking around enslaved to their oppressors yet their oppressors are free but you, you are in bondage simply because you aren't willing or you aren't ready to let go and move forward.

  1. Never be afraid to pursue your dreams; those who give up are ‪‎losing ‪‎plain and simple.

  1. When you are young everything seems like the end of the world but truth is it's only the beginning.

  1. Some of the things that we try to condemn others for, it makes us look self-righteous.

  1. Instead of beating folks down, try to help them up. It's easier to clean a fish once you catch it. No man tries to clean a fish that he hasn't caught. In other words, give them strong correction once you have gotten their attention.

  1. There is always a hidden meaning behind the simplest of phrases. the challenge is reading between the lines.

  1. Being beautiful is one thing. But being educated and beautiful is another.

  1. If you are hiding it or hiding from it, you are not healed from it. You are liberated from it when you can deal with it and talk about it.

  1. I choose the direction I want to go in life. My failures are my own responsibilities, my mistakes are my own lessons, and my success is a result of my own blood and sweat, therefore, my "life book" is written by my own hand. Not the hand of any other.

You can text these cute quotes to your crush anytime but keep your focus and your faith. Don't surround yourself or them around negative, insensitive, messy, gossipy, jealous, envious, selfish, wannabe, and hurtful folks! Keep some of your business to yourself. If God didn't say to say it, don't say it! Everyone can't understand what you've been through. They certainly won't understand where God is taking you!


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