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Cute Broken Heart Poems for Guys

Sometimes an ex-girl or very close female friends of broken guys need a heart touching poetry to mend their hearts and this cute broken heart short poems may truly help you to help someone very special. One of the hardest parts of being a girl is when you are up to give it all and prove to him that you love him, and you end up listening to these ever heart-breaking lines; Sorry, we are too young and the worst, sorry, I don’t love you.

Broken heart poems for guys!

broken heart guys the poem

My crush
Listen to my crush without rush
My heart is just like as a glass
Inside and outside it is shine
Hold it with a lot of care and love
Don’t let it down but If it once broken
Then it cannot be repaired again
broken heart poems

Meaning of Care
Caring means giving
Caring means love
Caring means open your heart
To the possibility of hurt

Runaway from love
Love can either lift you up
Higher than the skies  
It may put you ten feet into hell
Maybe that’s why I always run away
From its enchanting spell
It is better to live free
Then have a broken heart

A Heart
A heart is stricken with sorrow and sadness
A heart is broken with pains and perplexity
A heart is swollen with tears and trembling
A heart wounded and shattered.
A life is full of misery and madness
This was a heart that was full of life and cheers
But you came in pretense, you said you loved me
But at last, it is a regret and emptiness

The first time
When the first time
My heart was broken
I thought I was through;
I swore I'd never love again
And believe me, this was true
But when you walked into my life
The second your eyes met mine
I knew you were worth loving
Just like before, just like the first time.

Don't miss
Any possibility
To convey
Your feelings of love
Because heart is broken
When words remain unsaid

You know we live
And we learned
And sometimes we go through
Things in life we don't have too
I'm a prime witness to that
At the same time, we have to forgive
And moved on
It's not easy when you're
Heart has been broken
You have been abused
Or mistreated

When someone breaks trust, there should be some type of understanding that it takes a person some time to heal from it. -Even when they forgive that person. There should be understanding, our hearts are only human!


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